Critic Fears Forestry Bill is Being Rushed
The Conservative Lands and Forestry Critic is calling on the Liberal government to slow down on the Biodiversity Act and send it back to the department to ensure that it’s done right the first time.
Tory Rushton says, “The PC Caucus supports the intent of this act, but not how it is drafted today. There’s an opportunity here for us to lead the country with the legislation.”
The General Manager for Athol Forestry Coop agrees with the intent of the legislation but wishes the Liberal government had consulted with interest groups.
Ian Ripley says, “I watched the committee online and was left feeling disappointed. Yes, we need something like this but we need to consult private woodlot owners.”
Rushton says, “We heard from stakeholder after stakeholder, from woodlot owners, environmentalists to the agricultural sector who said they were not consulted.”
The MLA for Cumberland South says, “Minister Rankin should have a duty to consult any group that will be impacted by this legislation.” He added, “ This ‘we know best’ attitude is a distressing trend by this government.”