
Registration is Optional

You are free to explore our news, opinions, and community promotion. 

However, we invite you to register so you can comment and offer your opinions and feedback. We are also planning some special things in the future, things that will be offered only to registered readers. 

Click the links above to our Front Page and other feature pages of Six Rivers News.

Reader Registration

*Note: Membership to this website is Verified. Once your account information has been submitted, you will receive an email containing a link that you can use to verify your account. All fields marked with a red asterisk are required. - (Note: - Registration may take several seconds. Once you click the Register button please wait until the system responds.)

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Guidelines for Your Comments on Six Rivers News, Radio, and TV

We want to foster reader comments to our stories, opinions, and broadcasts. Your perspective, reaction, even your criticism is important and may guide us in the information we present.

We also invite you to contribute to our content. Feel free to submit, stories, photos, videos, news tips, or story ideas. In other words, join us in keeping our community well informed, entertained, and up to date on issues that matter to our neighbours and followers.

What we offer on our various platforms—Six Rivers News, Six Rivers Radio, and eventually Six Rivers TV is for, by, and with the community. We offer it all in pubic, not in secret. Therefore, your participation should also be freely and openly offered. That is why we will not publish public responses and submissions anonymously, with initials, first name only, nor with pseudonyms. 

There may be exceptions when, for example, your identity may put you at risk, or if dealing with children or minors. In such cases, prior agreement must be secured with the editor.

To comment, you must register with SixRivers.ca using your first and last name, which will be your display name for your comments and other submissions. You must also provide your email address which will be used exclusively for communication with our editor. Your email address will not be posted or used for any other purpose by Six Rivers Hope Centre Ministries, the not-for-profit society that owns and operates Six Rivers News, Radio, and TV.

Acceptable comments require:

  • relevance to the story or article attached to your comments
  • courteous and respectful language and purpose
  • respect and protection of privacy of others
  • caution with your language or descriptions in matters of law
  • your personal thoughts and views, not commercial or self promotion

We also require your understanding that:

  • hate speech or intolerance of others because of race, colour, religion, sex, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin, age, or mental or physical ability is not acceptable
  • vulgarity, obscenity, personal attacks, insults, or threats are not acceptable
  • we reserve the right to publish, limit, or edit your comments or any links to other sources you may offer, as we see fit

Expressing your views through Six Rivers News, Radio, and TV is not a right of free speech but rather a privilege extended on these platforms to those who follow these guidelines in the interest of public dialogue and of our community.

Radio This Week

Event List
Wednesday, October 9, 2024 9:05 AM

Tory Rushton, Minister of Natural Resources, is on Morning Talk each Wednesday at 9:05.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024 10:45 AM

Listen to Oxford Mayor Greg Henley on Morning Talk every Wednesday at 10:45. Click HERE to listen from our online player. Click HERE to listen to our direct player.
