A Lot of Time and Money Spent on Garbage
Transfer stations are high on the agenda for tonight’s Municipal Council meeting. Cumberland has been debating what to do with the scattered dump facilities for a few months now, and tonight could be the night for a decision.
There are three options: close the stations completely, charge an area tax rate to keep them operating, or install expensive facilities such as weigh scales, power, internet services, and staff to collect fees from users.
It seems pretty clear from earlier council debates that option three is no option at all. This is simply not the time for major new expenditures.
While staff seems to favour closing the transfer stations, council seems to lean toward area rates, something that would raise the ire of residents. The otherwise free dumping service is being used by people from outside the county, even outside the province, and in large number. Locals won’t likely take too kindly to paying for a service that others use for free.
The council meeting is open to the public, this evening at 6 o’clock.