Chief Medic Expected Jump in COVID-19 Cases
Nova Scotia’s chief medical officer is unfazed by the seventeen new cases of COVID-19 reported today. While it is the greatest single day rise since the crisis began, Dr. Robert Strang says “We anticipated this. We knew we had a large number of people travelling and returning this week.”
All of the province’s 68 confirmed cases continue to be related to travellers and connected groups or their families.
Strang noted British Columbia, Alberta, and Ontario are challenged as they are further along with the epidemic. He said, “We have the opportunity to stay out in front of this if we all keep doing what we are doing.”
Strang says, “This is a challenging time. This is a fearful time. We gain a sense of control as we stick to the safety measures we have put in place.”
As March Break comes to an end and many so-called ‘Snowbirds’ come home, the doctor hopes to see a dip in positive tests after they complete their 14 days in isolation.
The 68 individuals affected to date range in age from under ten to mid-70s. One individual remains in hospital while two individuals have recovered and their cases of COVID-19 are considered resolved.
To date, Nova Scotia has 2,772 negative test results and 68 confirmed cases.
Nova Scotia’s 811 telephone service is NOT for general questions. It is for people actually suffering symptoms of the coronavirus.
If you think you have the symptoms, answer the self-evaluation questionnaire available online at People are urged to complete the evaluation and call 811 only if the results indicate.
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