Community Responds to Garbage Challenge
It only takes a few to make a mess, but a bunch of people dedicated to their community can clean it up in a flash.
A group of volunteers spread out across the Village of Pugwash and beyond today in the 2018 edition of the Great Garbage Challenge.
Though spear-headed by Pugwash Communities in Bloom, the volunteers came from all walks of life and all corners of the community. They were readily identified today in their bright orange T-shirts which were handed out for safety just as much as identification.
Armed with litter bags and grapplers, they fanned out to collect garbage and refuse left behind by those who litter without thinking about their community.
The volunteers braved rain to walk the streets and the ditches to clean Pugwash and its surroundings. They were young and old, a true cross section of the community.
The photo shows a large number of them gathered at the cenotaph in Pugwash, tools in hand to conquer today’s challenge.