Cumberland Council Begins Review of Its Purpose
Cumberland County Council is holding a special session today as the municipality begins to wrestle with a major review of its roles and responsibilities.
Council will gather at 4:30, have a supper break, then reconvene for further discussion at its customary 6 pm start.
Prompted by concern about escalating costs, council is going back to the drawing board to see if they are meeting their mandate and governing as effectively as possible.
They will take a look at all the services they provide and review if they are meeting the needs of county residents in a cost-effective way.
First up is a discussion on solid waste management and transfer stations. Council touched on this about a month ago and emotions rose at the thought of closing any transfer stations or limiting waste disposal in any way. However, waste management and the environment have become expensive issues and some would say the old ways do not meet the county’s needs anymore.
Council will also look at bids for new LED street lights. The more efficient light will offer effective savings over the years, while also being more friendly to the environment.