Cumberland Replaces All Streetlights with LEDs
The Municipality of Cumberland has begun replacement of streetlights with more efficient LED fixtures across the municipality.
The switch from high pressure sodium (HPS) fixtures to LED is a direct result of new provincial legislation requiring energy-efficient appliances by 2022.
The contract for $163,000 was awarded G.J. Cahill & Company (1979) Limited.
The Cumberland Energy Authority (CEA) championed the project on behalf of the Municipality of Cumberland. The Executive Director of the CEA says, “The switch from the old high pressure sodium light fixtures to new LED light fixtures will make a positive impact on the Municipality’s greenhouse gas emissions moving forward.” Ray Hickey added, “We are creating a sustainable future for our communities in this switchover.”
LED fixtures last much longer and reduce CO2 emissions by using less energy. The authority also believes the replacement will also reduce maintenance costs for the municipality.
The photo shows the tentative schedule for the replacement work, week one began last week.
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