Free Delivery to the Fire Department Door
Pugwash Fire Department had a very unusual call last night, one that sent a chill through first responders.
Firefighters received a page that simply said, “Truck on fire at your firehall.”
Memories of a fire that destroyed the Shinimicas fire hall added a few beats to the collective heart rhythm.
However, a number of firefighters were already at the fire hall and they had a better understanding of the true nature of the emergency.
The department had responded about an hour earlier for a pick-up truck on fire, along Highway 6, just west of Pugwash.
When smoke reappeared, while loaded on a tilt-bed tow truck, the driver headed to the fire department, with an RCMP escort.
Firefighters set up outside their hall, fully prepared for the arrival and round two, which was a short and final event.
One firefighter jokingly said, “Due to budget cuts, customers are asked to bring their fires to the firehall.”
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