Great Spring Day is Not All Good
As pleasant as it is to have warm, dry weather, this is also grass fire season. The Springhill Fire Department faced four calls in the week, and the Pugwash Department responded to another yesterday afternoon.
Fire covered about 100 metres in a ditch alongside the Pugwash River Road. The quick spreading fire threatened to grow into the woods, and even ignited one of the nearby telephone poles, but the quick response doused the blaze before it grew into a much bigger danger.
While grass fires are often set on purpose as a spring clean-up, but as the photo shows, today's call was in a remote area. The cause is not known. A passing motorist called in the alarm.
Burning grass in spring is somewhat of a tradition in Nova Scotia. Many believe the practice cleans and improves growing conditions. However, this is a myth. Turf specialists advise that damage is done to the sod's root system and the practice doesn't do anything positive for growth.
The Pugwash Fire Chief reminds us the provincial government specifies if and when you can burn brush or camp fires. Find that information on their website at Andy Yarrow added, "There is no burning any day from 8 am to 2 pm."
The Department of Natural Resources also offers an info line at 855-564-2876.