Healthcare Public Meeting Mired in Controversy
Controversy surrounds the proposed public meeting on healthcare, set for Tuesday at the Pugwash firehall.
Nova Scotia Health has turned the event that was intended as a public meeting into a smaller session where they control who attends.
The firehall is limited to 65 people, with ten chairs taken by Nova Scotia Health officials. To limit the remaining 55 spots, people are required to send an email request to the NSH and they will pick who can go.
The group ruled out using the fire department’s truck bay which can seat about 100 citing the possibility of smells from the equipment.
Officials also claim they could not get space at the high school, the originally suggested site back in August. However, Six Rivers News has booked the school for next Tuesday in the hope the NSA will recant and allow a true open meeting.
The information session was requested by Six Rivers News to answer concerns about delays with the new hospital, intermittent closure of emergency services, and uncertainties about primary healthcare.
The call for a public meeting gathered steam when Nova Scotia Health began offering alternative services like urgent and virtual care, not to mention construction delays at the new hospital. Without clear and factual information, public conversation gave way to speculation and rumour.
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