High Cost Hampers Fire Service Renewal
Cumberland council is rebuilding the municipality’s fire service one piece at a time.
A call for tenders to build two new fire halls proved to be too costly so the county moved to build one.
Similarly, bids to supply two new fire trucks was way over budget, so the solution — buy just one.
Springhill is the winner in the fire hall race as council approved a contract to Iron Maple Constructors — the same contractor who built the library in Pugwash — for slightly more than $5.38 million to design and build the new facility.
The current Springhill fire station was built in 1972 and has not seen any major renovations since. The building is considered undersized for the modern equipment used in today’s fire service.
The project is hoped to be complete in March of 2025.
The county had hoped to build a new fire hall in Parrsboro at the same time. The original call for proposals hoped to find some economy in a two-for-one deal. However, the cost was well beyond the municipality’s financial grasp for this year.
Mayor Murray Scott said Parrsboro will be considered in this year’s capital planning, likely to be next on the list.
Ironically, some people in Parrsboro disagreed on the need for a new facility, perhaps fearing the cost would be born locally. However, the cost for renewal of the county’s fire service will be born by tax payers across the county.
Springhill and Parrsboro are two of the four newly designated “hub departments” — with Truemanville and Pugwash — which are to be support centres for training and services to other nearby fire departments.
Meanwhile, a similar plan to buy two pumper trucks found the same fate. Ballooning prices caused council to choose between Wallace and Pugwash, with the need in Wallace determined to be more urgent.
Again, the needs in Pugwash will likely take first priority for next year, though a pumper may not be the final choice in upgrading that department’s fleet.
Asked whether Cumberland can afford current fire service costs, Mayor Scott said it was more a matter of we can’t afford not to. The mayor said the current council committed to proper fire protection, which he said is one of the most important services the county can provide.
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