Minister Puts Kibosh to Pugwash Events
There will be no annual meeting for the Village of Pugwash next week. Gone too is the planned election set for next month.
Both events were wiped out yesterday by the Minister of Municipal Affairs. Chuck Porter postponed the provincial requirement for such annual events until after the state of health emergency is lifted.
Unlike towns and other municipalities, villages are still required to hold an annual meeting of ratepayers. And, also unlike other municipalities which hold elections, province wide, every four years, villages hold elections at other times.
The Pugwash Village Commission planned an election in June to fill two of five seats. Tracey Mundle and Charley Gould have completed their three year terms on the commission and are eligible for re-election. Their terms will be extended until the COVID restrictions are eased.
The village clerk felt the election could be safely handled within the village hall. Lisa Betts suggested she could have conducted the poll while maintaining physical distancing to protect voters.
The annual meeting and the elections must be held within ninety days of lifting the state of emergency.
Any breach of the ministerial order could bring a fine of up to 100 thousand dollars.
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