More News and Opinions at Six Rivers
If you have been following our news coverage at Six Rivers, you no doubt have noticed a number of recent changes. There is a whole lot more news coverage on the news site and on Six Rivers Radio.
When we first launched Six Rivers News, Radio, and TV, we intended to focus our coverage within the area we call Six Rivers to the Sea. While many readers and listeners have told us they really like what we are doing locally, it is simply not enough.
In retrospect, they are absolutely right. We have struggled to find enough day-to-day news in our small region, and it is clear that our supporters want to know more about current affairs from a wider area, especially from our province.
We have responded. Our coverage now includes Nova Scotia news in particular, with a smattering of Maritime and Canadian stories of local interest.
People told us they had to search around a number of news sites to gather fill their appetite for information. They suggested our broader approach would allow them to make Six Rivers News their "go to place" for news.
We will also beef-up our editorial and opinion content. People are sharing their opinions through email and other social media, which tends to repeat in small circles. We want Six Rivers News to be a place where people can express and share their views to a wide audience, perhaps creating a place for dialogue and understanding.
We will also take a stronger stance in our own editorial offerings. I confess that my personal editorials have been weak and infrequent, and, believe it or not, that is not like me. I have hesitated in writing some views about local government, perhaps wanting to win some friends in the process. However, if local government is to be the most accountable, somebody has to hold them to account.
I apologize for holding back, and I have already served notice to the Warden of Cumberland County that we will, indeed, hold his council feet to the fire. I am happy to report that he welcomes the scrutiny and the public dialogue that should follow.
Of course, we are always open to your feedback and we offer a number of ways you can give us your two cents worth. You can always respond to individual stories, editorials, and features. Our system allows for comments at the end of each post, and you can offer comments to other people's views too, giving us a kind of public discussion on our community affairs.
You can also send a letter to the editor via, and we will publish your views on our editorial page. If that is not enough, we invite you to write for us. We welcome personal columns or news written on behalf of community groups. To become a columnist or reporter with Six Rivers News, paid or volunteer, send your details to
Changes have also been launched on our radio station. We now invite you to express your voice, live on-the-air. "Morning Talk" is our weekday program from 8 to 10 am, where you may join the conversation by phoning 902-614-3000.
As host of the morning talk show, I look forward to discussing your views of stories in the news, or other issues and concerns. We also invite song requests during the program. Click HERE to listen to Six Rivers Radio on your computer, smartphone or tablet. Please note we offer a free app to carry Six Rivers Radio as you go mobile. Download the app at the Apple App Store, or Google Play for add devices.
We look forward to serving you better, and we really look forward to your partnership in communicating with people.