Mothers, Teens, and First Responders Stop Traffic
The scene in front of the Pugwash Fire Department this afternoon looked like a major catastrophe. There were police cars, fire trucks, an ambulance, even a highway enforcement truck, and there were people everywhere.
It was not a emergency, but a promotion, a MADD Canada Red Ribbon Check Stop.
High school students were joined by representatives of the Cumberland Chapter of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), in a joint effort with first responders and emergency personnel to draw attention to the danger in driving while impaired.
Constable Travise Dow, Community Policing Officer for Cumberland, says four to five Canadians are killed each and every day because of impaired driving. The check stop campaign is just one way to send a message to drivers.
The group set up a two way stop on Highway 6, right in front of the Pugwash Fire Department. It was conspicuous by design. As vehicles were stopped, the drivers were given a MADD Red Ribbon for display.
About thirty volunteers braved a cold wind and light rain to take part in stopping nearly 100 vehicles with the life saving message.