MP Wants an Inquiry into Mass Shootings
The Member of Parliament for Cumberland-Colchester has joined a growing chorus of voices calling for a federal inquiry into the mass shootings that began in Portapique.
Lenore Zann wrote to Bill Blair, Minister of Public Safety, formally requesting an independent public inquiry.
Zann says, “There are issues of concern about the murderer’s behaviour long before, leading up to, and during the horrendous events of April 18 and 19 when, in a period of thirteen hours, twenty-two innocent people in several small rural communities were viciously murdered.”
As M.P. for this region, Zann says, “It is of deep concern to me that no major public alert was issued to warn my constituents right across Cumberland-Colchester.” She noted in the previous weekend “Stay-Home” alerts blared on cell phones, radio, and TV.
The MP says, “I also request that the inquiry includes a feminist analysis with regards to misogyny, domestic abuse and violence, femicide, and the connection between private domestic violence and public violence in the form of mass-killings such as this one.”
Zann raised the question with Prime Minister Trudeau and she added, “I have faith in him to do what is best for Nova Scotia, for the nation, and for women and girls.” She says we need to “change the way it’s always been so that no other Canadians have to lose their lives — or their loved ones — in such a horrific manner.”
Zann asked the federal minister to confer with Premier Stephen McNeil in launching an inquiry.
She says, “The people of Cumberland-Colchester do not want our peaceful, quiet, beautiful little beach communities of Portapique, Wentworth, and Debert to be remembered for a violent mass-murder. Nova Scotians cannot and will not let one angry man's acts of violence define us. We are still “casserole people”, “tea and scones and blueberry jam people” and as visiting friends have always told me, “Nova Scotia is the friendliest place I've ever been".
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