Mr. Trump, Your Pants are on Fire
He called her ‘Lying Hilary”. Then there was ‘Lying Ted’, while other opponents for his party’s nomination were also deemed to take liberties with the truth. But when the dust settled, it is ‘Mr. Pants on Fire’ who ultimately holds the crown of ‘Liar-in-Chief’.
Donald Trump is incapable of climbing the ladder of accomplishment on his own merit, so he simply drags those around him down to a level beneath his personal capacity. When he hovers above them, he is convinced of victory, oblivious of the fact that he is standing on their shoulders, barely keeping his coiffure above water.
Trump, the man, is disgusting in all respects. Trump, the president, is a massive embarrassment to America. With each passing day, Americans wonder how they let this happen, and more worrisome, what should they do about it?
He can’t count… as noted by his greatly inflated numbers attending his inauguration. He doesn’t understand history… as his constant revisionist rhetoric fails to change the facts. He can’t lead… as nobody can withstand the constant bombardment of criticism to keep following. And, despite his claims, he can’t close the deal… because deal making requires trust and relationships, and who can trust him?
Donald Trump is not driven by any altruistic desire to serve. He is worse than an egotist, he is a narcissist. Mr. Pants on Fire is driven by his insatiable desire to be loved, yet his demands, his conditional response, his quickness to deflect blame to the nearest, and his absolute refusal to accept fault or admit error simply drives people away.
While blaming all those around him, firing some, and driving others away, he continues to ask people to trust him. From his unusual campaign to be president, followed by his unusual way to carry out his presidential duties, Trump continues to astound and confound.
He attacks his enemies, then attacks his allies. One might even say he attacks his friends, and through it all he continues to attack the truth.
Point out a failing and you are immediately labelled a liar. There is the fake news, the failing media, most of which have been the bastions of truth over the centuries, the ones who hold presidents to their promises.
Mr. Pants on Fire is slowly painting himself into a corner. People who were willing to give him the benefit of the doubt are now ashamed of their generosity. People who were willing to allow him time to grow into the job are now ashamed of their faith. And people who thought he would change are now ashamed of his ever growing lies.
Donald Trump is exactly who he has always shown himself to be: a self-serving narcissist who will do whatever he has to, at the expense of anyone who gets in his way, to advance his own wealth and stature.
Mr. Pants on Fire could not care less about other people. He has no intention of serving America, and worse, he has no ability or capacity to guide the country toward any form of equality, honour, safety or security, let alone greatness.
Donald Trump is a fraud. Left to his own desires, he will leave the United States on the brink of destruction, both from within and without.
Mr. Pants on Fire said he would go to Washington and drain the swamp. So far, all he has done is pollute the waters of democracy, and given enough time, it will be a swamp in need of draining.