New Firehall Fast-Tracked for Shinimicas
The Shinimicas Fire Department will build a new firehall, bigger and better, to replace their facility destroyed by fire in April.
Cumberland Council agreed the time was right to build something for the future, following a presentation by the department’s chief and deputy in an online meeting tonight.
Deputy Chief Matt Mundle walked council through the numbers and the needs. While insurance would cover $441 thousand for a replacement building on the same site, it was agreed that amount would fall short of replacing the building under today’s more demanding building code.
Shinimicas firefighters made a compelling case for a larger building that would require a new location. The department proposes a building similar to the firehall in Leicester, but with four bays to accommodate three trucks and a rescue boat. They also need to enlarge their meeting and training facilities, which are regularly shared with community organizations, not to mention the hall doubles as a comfort centre during emergencies.
The purchase and preparation of a new site and the larger building would cost 200 to 300 thousand more than the insurance coverage.
Council considered but quickly dispensed with any suggestion of an area rate to raise the funds. It was noted that a number of other county fire departments built new facilities fully funded by the county.
With interest rates nearing an all-time low, it was agreed that a new and larger firehall be built at a new site just down the road from the former facility. Council set a budget of $770 thousand and asked staff to fast-track the project to get as much done as possible before the winter freeze. Justin Waugh-Cress, the county engineer, said, “We will move hell and earth to get that done as fast as we can.”
The Director of Finance, Andrew MacDonald, suggested outfitting the department with all new equipment and a more efficient building might lead to some operational savings over the next few years.
Quick Facts:
- Shinimicas has the fourth largest fire coverage area in Cumberland
- fire calls have increased by 30 percent this year
- replacing the fire trucks will cost about $1.1 million
- equipment replacement is estimated at $707 thousand
- the new firehall will increase from 3,666 to 5,572 sq ft
- the new site with water, septic, and paving will cost $52,000
Council hopes construction can begin in early September.
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