Nova Scotia Closes Access to All Woods
The woods are closed in Nova Scotia.
With the continuing spread of wildfires, the government announced a ban on travel into the forests from one end of Nova Scotia to the other.
The announcement came yesterday from Tory Rushton, Minister of Natural Resources, and the restrictions were in effect as of 4 PM yesterday.
The Minister said, “Safety is our top priority. Conditions are extremely dry across the province, so we're putting these restrictions in place to reduce the risk of additional fires.”
Hiking, camping, fishing, and the use of vehicles in the woods are not permitted. People can still access beaches and provincial and municipal parks, but trail systems are off limits. Camping is allowed only in campgrounds.
The restrictions apply to Crown and private land. Private landowners are free to use their own properties but cannot host guests.
Forestry, mining, and any commercial activity on Crown land, is also restricted. People who conduct commercial activity on Crown land can apply for a permit through the local Department of Natural Resources office.
An angry Premier issued a statement about people ignoring the ban on open fires. Tim Houston noted there were six illegal burns last night, including one in Pugwash.
He said, “This is ridiculous. Stop burning! Stop flicking your cigarette buts out car windows.”
Houston added, “Three out of control fires, eight fires yesterday, twelve on Sunday… do not burn!”
The restrictions are in place until June 25th or until conditions allow them to be lifted.
The Nature Conservancy of Canada responded by closing all 50 of their nature reserves in the province. Andrew Holland, a repeat guest on Six Rivers Radio, says that includes the reserve in Pugwash and many others in northern Nova Scotia.
There have been 195 wildfires to date this year, up from 152 fires in all of 2022, with nearly four times the destruction.
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