Nova Scotia Woodlot of the Year in Shinimicas
A woodlot in Shinimicas has earned a Folly Lake couple the 2020 award for Woodlot Owners of the Year.
Stacey and Norman Paupin bought a 40 hectare woodlot near Shinimicas in 2012. The wanted to harvest firewood but the woodlot has become a passion and worth much more than firewood.
The Paupins use solar powered pumps to collect sap and have adapted technology to make birch syrup, which sells for a higher price than maple syrup. Continually refining his process Norman won the World Birch Syrup Championships in 2018. With help from a researcher at the Dalhousie University's Agricultural Campus in Truro, Paupin hopes to do even more.
The minister of Lands and Forestry says, “Private woodlot owners like Stacey and Norman are vital to our province's forestry sector.” Iain Rankin added, “They’ve created a healthier environment and a business opportunity through good forest management and resource stewardship. The Paupins are gaining value from their forest and enjoying the many rewards that can come from running a sustainable woodlot.”
Norman Paupin says, “Our approach has been to take what was there and make every attempt at improving its overall value.” He went on to say, “To us, it has more than an economic value; it is a quiet place to walk, to appreciate the trees themselves, to observe wildlife and just enjoy nature and think. It has allowed us the opportunity to experiment with some pretty awesome ideas.”
The Paupins are hosting a field day on Saturday so the public can tour their operation, see demonstrations of birch syrup production and learn about woodlot management.
To RSVP or for more information, go to or the Woodland Owner of the Year website at
Aslo, see the video Video of the Paupin's woodlot operation at
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