NS Health to Host Pugwash Public Meet
Residents thirsting for up-to-date and accurate information on the status of healthcare in the catchment area of the new Pugwash hospital will finally have their day.
Nova Scotia Health will host an information session November 28th at the Pugwash Fire Department.
NSH will share updates on primary health care, emergency service, and the status of the new hospital.
The community meeting, originally planned for September as an invitation only event, was re-scheduled twice and opened to the public.
Concerned about the number of people who might attend, NSH is asking that people register in advance by sending an email to eileen.macisaac@nshealth.ca.
Leaders from Nova Scotia Health, Emergency Health Services, and the Department of Public Works will provide updates, followed by a question and answer session.
People who cannot attend may submit written questions to eileen.macisaac@nshealth.ca.
The information update is long overdue and became a necessity when Nova Scotia Health began offering alternative services like urgent and virtual care, not to mention construction delays at the new hospital. Without clear and factual information, public conversation gave way to speculation and rumour.
The meeting is set for Tuesday, November 28 at 6:00 pm.
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