NS Responds to Ten New Coronavirus Cases
Nova Scotia’s number of confirmed infections from the coronavirus jumped by ten today, now totalling 51.
The Chief Medical Officer says all cases continue to be related to travel and those who came in close contact with travellers. Dr. Robert Strang says he is confident that the virus is not community spread.
Strang said that is why it is so important that people returning from out of province must self-isolate for 14 days.
The 51 cases cover all areas of the province with patients ranging in age from under ten years to mid 70s.
The province has doubled its COVID-19 testing capacity to 400 per day and 2,474 tests have been negative. Dr. Strang said tests have been conducted on people who travelled and presented with symptoms either people who travelled out of province or those who came in close contact. With the increased testing capacity, Strang says they will go back to day one a test others who came in close contact, whether they showed symptoms or not.
Premier Stephen McNeil says work places need to be creative to protect workers. While they are not generally bound by the five person limit on gathering, he said they must still follow the social-distancing guidelines to keep workers at least two metres apart.
Meanwhile, the Nova Scotia Health Authority announced today that six regional hospitals are now equipped as COVID-19 treatment centres, although Dr. Strang cid not know how many patients the COVID units can currently handle. He says the NSHA will continue to clear beds where possible and hospitals have contingency plans if the COVID units reach capacity.
The Colchester East Hants Health Centre in Truro is the nearest COVID ready facility for people in Cumberland County. There are 14 COVID assessment centres across the province, including the Cumberland Regional Health Care Centre and another at 34 Prince Arthur Street in Amherst.
Nova Scotia’s 811 telephone service is NOT for general questions. It is for people actually suffering symptoms of the coronavirus.
If you think you have the symptoms, answer the self-evaluation questionnaire available online at https://811.novascotia.ca/. People are urged to complete the evaluation and call 811 only if the results indicate.
For up-to-date information, handwashing posters, and fact sheets, go to https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus.
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