NS Seniors Gain a Provincial Tax Break
The Province is returning almost $17 million in provincial income tax to Nova Scotia seniors through its Guaranteed Income Supplement rebate program.
More than 11,000 seniors who receive the federal government's Guaranteed Income Supplement will get their provincial income tax back.
The Minister of Finance says, “With the cost of living on the rise, we know it's tough for many people to make ends meet and that every dollar counts.”
Allan MacMaster added, “Every year, this program puts real money in people's pockets and will help thousands of low-income seniors with their day-to-day expenses.”
To qualify for the refund, a person must:
- be 65 years or older in the taxation year
- report income on line 14600 of their T1 return
- have provincial income tax payable
Seniors do not have to apply for this refund, but they must file a tax return each year. Those who did not file a return in this taxation year, but who are eligible, can still receive the refund when they file a tax return.
An additional 49,000 seniors did not have to pay provincial taxes at all because of Nova Scotia's Age Tax Credit and basic personal amounts.
People with questions can call the Service Nova Scotia contact centre at 1-800-670-4357.
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