NS Tightens Halifax Rules Following COVID Surge
The Province has responded to the surge in COVID infections with a clampdown in Halifax and surrounding area.
With today’s news of 38 new cases, Premier Iain Rankin is re-imposing stronger regulations for the provincial capitol region.
The Premier says, “We are using these restrictions as a circuit breaker to prevent our case count from increasing.” Rankin added, “We are taking quick action to limit the opportunity for the virus to spread any further in local communities.”
The restrictions are effective tomorrow at 8 am and will remain in effect until at least May 20. They apply to all areas of Halifax Regional Municipality as well as the entire communities of Hubbards, Milford, Lantz, Elmsdale, Enfield, South Uniacke, Ecum Secum and Trafalgar.
People should avoid traveling into and out of these areas unless it is absolutely necessary. Travel for shopping, social events, family visits, practices, or rehearsals are not considered necessary.
The chief medical officer says, “We understand this is disruptive, but it is necessary to regain control of the virus.” Dr. Robert Strang added, “I'm asking all Nova Scotians, especially residents in these areas, to do their part to help us fight COVID-19 by supporting and following these restrictions.”
Beginning tomorrow, the following schools will close and move to at-home learning for a two-week period: Auburn Drive High family of schools, Cole Harbour District High family of schools, Dartmouth High family of schools, École secondaire Mosaïque, École du Carrefour, and École Bois-Joli.
All other public schools in the province will continue with in-school learning. However, masks will be mandatory for all students effective April 26. As well, all school gyms across Nova Scotia will be closed for community use until at least May 20.
Outdoor activities are encouraged for physical and mental well-being as long as gathering limits are followed. For example, trails, beaches and playgrounds are open.
People who do not follow the gathering limit may be fined $1,000 for each person at an illegal gathering.
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