NS Wants Public Input on Spring Bear Hunt
The Province is considering a spring bear hunt and wants community feedback on the pilot project.
Nova Scotia has long held an annual bear hunt in the fall, but this year they propose a five week season beginning in May or June, something that mighjt also become an annual event.
The Minister of Natural Resources says, “Nova Scotia is the only province with a black bear population and no spring bear hunt, so we’re proposing a pilot project this spring.” Tory Rushton added, “We want to hear from Nova Scotians. Their voices matter and will help the Department run this proposed hunt in a safe and responsible manner.”
The proposal would only be open to residents of Nova Scotia. Hunters would only be allowed to take male bears or females with no cubs.
Hunting would not be allowed on Sundays.
Hunters would require a bear hunting licence and would have to report their hunt.
The data collected from a pilot hunt would help in deciding the potential for future hunts.
The annual bear hunting bag limit would remain at one, whether spring or fall.
See an online survey and other ways to share input at: https://novascotia.ca/spring-bear-hunt-engagement/. The consultation ends on February 24.
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