Oxford and Pugwash Go Slow on Vaccination Policy
Oxford Town Council and the Pugwash Village Commission both considered a COVID vaccination policy at their respective meetings tonight.
The question was raised tonight, independently, at Oxford Town Council and the Pugwash Village Commission.
While it is about public safety and protection of employees, mandatory vaccination and/or proof of full vaccination remains a difficult topic.
Discussion among Pugwash commissioners noted the concerns are changing as often as the rules. While employees need to be protected in their workplace, they are often facilities used by the public, making it difficult to establish hard and fast rules that may work for one group while imposing demands on the other.
Oxford Town Clerk Linda Cloney is working on a policy update to ensure all town employees, staff, and members of the public who work with the town on various committees will be vaccinated against COVID-19.
The Pugwash Commission considered a similar document tonight presented by Village Clerk Lisa Betts as a hybrid of policies considered by other Nova Scotia villages. None of the community leaders have any desire to rush to a conclusion. Oxford councillors will review the draft policy at its Committee-of-the-Whole meeting in two weeks' time, while Commissioners in Pugwash tabled the proposal for its consideration at its November 8th meeting.
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