Oxford Bunny Trail Vandalised Again
Repeated, malicious vandalism on the Bunny Trail in Oxford may be the final straw for a couple who have maintained the facility for years.
Maxine and Allie Clarke were honoured for their volunteerism, recognised as pouring their heart and soul into the trail, but weekend vandalism has them calling it quits.
A group of four teens are believed responsible for extensive damage to the trail signs and betterment provided by the Clarkes. Walking sticks — made and provided by the Clarkes for community use — were stolen and smashed against town light poles and strewn through the streets.
A group of teens — believed to be the same wrecking crew — were stopped by firefighters leaving the area of the Oxford Fire Department training field where car windows and other glass were smashed. The youths were travelling on a lawn tractor.
Maxine Clarke says she and her husband have had enough. After nearly six years of adding elements, signs and grooming the trail, they can no longer tolerate the repeated abuse. Clarke says, “Its the fifth time in the last six weeks and it is so frustrating.”
The volunteer is pretty certain the culprits have been identified but dealing with youth crime is frustrating in itself. She says, “They would hardly get a wrap on their fingers.”
The Clarke’s have begun to remove the decorative elements that are left, better to take them home rather than see them smashed and thrown in the woods.
The Clarke’s have spent countless hours maintaining the unique and popular trail. For all the joy it gave them over the last six years, the joy is now gone, spent by a few bad apples.
The Clarkes will be on Morning Talk on Six Rivers Radio on Tuesday to tell their story. Listen at www.hopecentre.ca at 9:01 am.
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