Premier and Mayor Change Morning Talk Dates
Busy people have busy schedules and that sometimes means a change of plans. Such is the case for Premier Tim Houston and Cumberland Mayor Murray Scott..
Premier Houston is normally on the Six Rivers Radio talk show, Morning Talk, on the third Monday of each month — that would mean next Monday, However, it should be no surprise that the Premier has a conflict for next week so he will be on tomorrow's program. Listen about 9:45.
Similarly, Mayor Murray Scott is a regular every Thursday morning, but not today. The mayor was not just out of town, he was in meetings this morning in direct conflict with his usual radio time.
Mayor Scott has also re-scheduled for tomorrow and will be live right after the 9:00 am news.
These are just two of the newsmakers who have regular interview spots on the modified talk show hosted by Bill Martin.
Information on how to listen to the online radio station is noted here on this page of our online community newspaper, Six Rivers News.
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