Premier Pushes Tantramar Flood Upgrade
The Premier of Nova Scotia says work is proceeding on the plan to shore-up the dykes and flood systems on the Isthmus of Chignecto.
Speaking on Six Rivers Radio, this morning, Tim Houston said, “The doing the work part is continuing.” He noted that there are some people who say nothing is being done, but he added, “We are very focussed on the doing the work part. Please know the work is continuing.”
The provinces of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia have agreed to a federal plan to bolster the infrastructure against rising sea levels and the two premiers are pushing the sense of urgency to get it done.
Houston noted the question of who should pay is now before the court as the provinces argue it is clearly a matter of national interest, and they have several precedents where the federal government assumed the total bill, some in the billions.
However, Houston emphasised the work will continue and the legal matter can follow.
The Premier says, “It is a multi year project — seven, eight, ten year project — for the full solution.”
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