Pugwash High School Declares to the World
Pugwash District High School has done something no other high school had ever done, certainly not in Canada.
The school declared itself a nuclear weapons free zone.
The move follows more than two years of discussion and contemplation, with more than two hundred signatures on a formal petition, including students and staff.
The announcement was made Friday afternoon in a special assembly with guests from Thinkers’ Lodge who were attending a reunion of past retreats focussed on the world-wide threat of climate change, another concern that threatens the safety of the world.
Two discussion panels were convened — one for the two senior grades and the other for students of grades nine and ten. The junior panel was led by recent graduates while the seniors met with current participants at Thinkers Lodge, the home of the international Pugwash Peace Movement.
The photos below show one-on-one dialogue with the senior students, while the junior session was set for questions to and from students.
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