Pugwash Multi-purpose Centre Still Alive
The dream of a new library in a multi-purpose centre in Pugwash took another step forward last night but promoters will have to wait yet again.
Cumberland Council received the business plan for the centre, but the councillors want to review it.
The business plan estimates the cost to manage, maintain, and operate the building year-by-year.
Nobody commented on the cost of the project, now estimated at over 4.4 million dollars. The annual operational cost is projected at 180 thousand.
The District Councillor for the area says the centre remains her top priority. Jennifer Houghtaling says earlier in last night's meeting council approved a new joint development plan in concert with the towns of Oxford and Amherst, an effort that includes the multi-purpose centre and the larger Pugwash Waterfront Master Plan.
Houghtaling intends to keep the issue in the forefront. She said most agree that fourteen years is a long time to wait for a project, including her colleagues on council.
Council will consider the report during future budget discussions.
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