Respite Care for Caregivers
Nova Scotia Respite Partnership is a formal collaboration of parents/caregivers and professionals working in human services, health care, research, and policy. The membership is comprised of individuals who understand the complex and sensitive nature of caregiving.
The goal of the Partnership is to develop strategies that promote a proactive system of care for children and adults with disabilities and respite for caregivers and families.
We have recently released an updated edition of the Nova Scotia Respite Guide. This is a resource for family members and caregivers of adults and children with disabilities.
This guide is divided into four sections that will help you and your family locate the respite supports most appropriate for your situation.
1. What is respite?
2. How do I find and fund respite support?
3. Planning for respite supports
4. Providing orientation, oversight, and follow-up with the respite provider.
Families and caregivers can access the Respite Guide HERE.
Or may request a printed copy from any of the member agencies of the Nova Scotia Respite Partnership:
Autism Nova Scotia
Cape Breton Community Respite
Department of Community Services – Disability Support Program Halifax Association for Community Living (HACL)
Northern Region Respite Services (NRRS)
Nova Scotia Association for Community Living (NSACL)
Schools Plus
Yarmouth Association for Community Residential Options (YACRO)
Ginger Gates
Chair, Nova Scotia Respite Partnership