Rushton Says Feds Shirk Legal Liability
The Minister of Natural Resources says the dispute with Ottawa over funding the repairs and upgrade of the flood protection system on the Isthmus of Chignecto is about where the federal government will find the money.
Tory Rushton says the Trudeau Liberals have agreed to the project and offered to pay 50%, but the local MLA says the money will be diverted from other projects in Nova Scotia.
Speaking on Six Rivers Radio, yesterday, Rushton said the feds have ear-marked one fund for such projects. He said that the federal portion may result in the cancellation of other projects in Nova Scotia.
For example, he said work to upgrade the bridge and Two Islands Road in Parrsboro may be put on hold if the isthmus project goes forward.
The Minister says this is not only a question of fairness, but the federal government is shirking its well defined national responsibility.
Rushton says cost sharing for the Parrsboro project is appropriate, but the flood plain on the isthmus is entirely a matter of national responsibility. Disruption of the inter-provincial transportation and communications corridor will impact all of Canada, making it a federal project under law.
The premiers of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia announced this week they will apply for the shared funding so the project can begin. However, they will continue to negotiate the responsibility question and remain committed to legal action if the federal governments continues to shirk its responsibility.
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