Scotland Calling to All Gaels
Scotland offers support to Nova Scotians who want to further their studies of the Gaelic language and culture in Scotland.
The bursary program is funded by the Scottish government through Bтrd na Gаidhlig, the principal public body in Scotland responsible for promoting Gaelic development, and administered by Gaelic Affairs.
It supports Nova Scotians attending language training in Scotland with travel, meal and accommodation costs. The program will also assist with distance learning costs if the student does not go to Scotland.
Nova Scotia's Minister of Gaelic Affairs says, "Gaels have contributed to Nova Scotia's, and more broadly Canada's, ethnic and cultural diversity for more than 250 years." Randy Delorey added, "This program provides a unique opportunity for Nova Scotians to ensure the continuation of Gaels' social and economic contributions by furthering their Gaelic language and cultural skills through international travel and studies in Scotland."
Recipients will enroll in Gaelic-language study and either attend formal classes at Sabhal Mтr Ostaig (SMO), a national centre for Gaelic language and culture on the Isle of Skye, or participate through distance learning courses.
One bursary recipient said, "Thanks to the Gaelic Language Learning Bursary I was able to attend Gaelic classes at SMO in Scotland, an opportunity that I would not have had otherwise." Kate Dunlay says, "It was a huge boost to my language ability and experiencing Gaelic this way motivated me to continue to reclaim and regenerate our Gaelic heritage here in Nova Scotia."
"This program, which supports Nova Scotia's Gaelic language and cultural assets, has been well received by our successful applicants," said Fiona Hyslop, Scotland's cabinet secretary for culture. "The initiative supports the many connections that exist between Nova Scotia and Scotland based upon shared Gaelic language and common cultural origins."
Applicants are required to identify how they will continue to support the Gaelic cultural community in the province by engaging in language immersion and cultural mentorships in the future. Candidates must be at least 18 years old and permanent residents of Nova Scotia to qualify for the bursary. The deadline for applications is February 17.
For more information and how to apply, visit: