UPDATED: Bell Aliant Phone System Out of Order
Phone service for Bell Aliant customers suffered intermittent disruptions throughout Nova Scotia earlier today.. Services to and from cell phones and landlines were both affected.
The issues were with Bell Mobility cell phones. Callers using cell phones to phone landlines were unable to connect.
There were also intermittent levels of disruption from landline to landline.
The Nova Scotia Health Authority (NSHA) says hospitals and medical services were affected. Anyone phoning hospitals or clinics were urged to use a landline where possible. Callers also had to try several times before they are connected.
Local emergency measures organizations also monitored the situation with first responders on alert.
Landline technical and Bell Mobility teams investigated and the service was restored shortly after 1 pm.
A similar issue hit Nova Scotia and New Brunswick a few months ago. That interruption was caused when fibre-optic trunk lines were accidentally cut by service workers. Bell promised they would provide alternate lines to avoid a repeat performance.
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